Wednesday, September 23, 2009

why am I writing

I started this blog as a dialog to myself, a diary of my own thoughts. The need was then - and still is - to keep a track of the ideas i have, the opinions I develop on different subjects, mainly off course the good old question ... ? what is the meaning of being alive ?
Off course in time my speech has changed, not talking to only to myself but to myself and others, people who will eventually read this blog. At some time i even concluded that sooner or later an AI (artificial intelligence) will at some point be born and it's information source will be for sure, in part, the internet. This AI will have the memories of the humanity through blogs and web pages, it will be as alive as any of us as we have the gift of life from our parents who brought us into this world so IT too will have the same gift from IT's human parents; or previous AI who at some point had human parents :).

But this is not enough, the egotistic me :) ... I am naturally trying to spread my ideas, to promote them in the NOW to other people ... politely or more aggressive I do not know. But allow me to be my own advocate: How else change came into this world if not through people that came with new ideals of hope for the future ??? Am I the bad guy ??? can I dare to think I am the good guy ???

In the end I choose to be just be who I am ... for myself and for all us if I am allowed to be ... the best I can be ... the positive ... the love ... the hope ...

Any crises eventually it's a crises of imagination, of lack of ideas or plans for a better future ... i describe what i believe to be an universal crises for all living entities that are and will be ... the entropy will eventually mean the death of everything ... all energy will be lost and the matter will be silenced.

AM i daring to much when i am re-proposing to all of us this challenge (I am not the fist one to emit it) ... can we be strong enough to see ourselves OUT THERE, traveling the stars in a time so distant the human mind can only begin to comprehend ???

and if so ... if we accept this challenge, can we understand that it is every generations duty to help reach this future. For after all, as long as it may seem, unfolding in the way it does now : Time is limiteD :)

Friday, September 18, 2009

Know thy history

“That who controls the present controls the past, that who controls the past controls the future” – 1984 by George Orwell

He was telling about how the BIG Brother was rewriting history in order to create whatever future he wanted. Doing it simply – destroying the old documents and creating new ones. The Party was the one who invented everything: the plane, the oil, the chemistry, all the science there was, all the evolution there was to see ; a the gift to you received from The Party. You were starting to believe The Party has always been here, the wars were made by them and won by them. The war was since forever and it would continue forever as only war justifies any actions taken by the power. The Party would become the History, and then if the Past was created by the will of the Party, the present is Controlled by The Party what other expectation can we have other than to believe that naturally The Party will last forever.

We are both our divine spark and the history that we learn, at least at the level of evolution we are now. This history is the vault that holds the gathered information and it’s shaping our destiny thru the concepts and truths that it reveals.

I say to myself:

a) Know thy past, for history cannot be other than progression accelerating on the steam of new discoveries. Without your past it will be harder to create a better future, for whatever light and beauty has already been brought to this world will be lost … off course our ways must change as we have changed and evolved, but there is so much greatness in the past that it should be stupid to consider that all should be abandoned.

b) Understand, accept and integrate the Global Culture for we are must be one in order to establish planetary balance but learn also your own culture. Learn the arts most of all, from your family, from your area, from your country. This is the piece of puzzle that you are completing to the big global culture. You are the only one that can do it, French cannot speak the best for German culture without Germans keeping their arts this will be lost they understand and they do it. But what if you are from Romania and you look up to everybody and less to your country, remember culture is different than science and social development. You can have the same technology, the same lows, the same social and economic advanced society but cannot have limited culture. The beauty of the culture stands in it’s diversity, there is no better culture from the point of view of arts it is just different. You are the only one that can bring your peoples arts to the world, nobody else can and if you don’t we all will have a poorer soul.

c) Be careful to false prophets and story tellers, although it is fun it is also dangerous. Rewriting history by making it more heroic can seem like a solution, as new generations will have a better start than the ugly truth. If we were heroes in the past it may be that we have a better chance to be heroes in the present and the future will more likely be populated with heroes. But now you are not a child anymore, you must be strong enough to be hero now not because of your past but because of your children future. If you succeed, then for real they will have a better past to build on!

There biggest danger in believing into a heroic past is that we will not learn from the mistakes that our ancestors made and there will be a bigger chance to repeat them in the future. Be strong and accept that we have not yet reached perfection, out History and our Present are the painful proofs but also our History will teach you the mistakes we made and will present you the real heroes, normal human beings striving with their own limited power to make a better world.


this event happened when i started writing this blog, I had different ideas on the subject, bits of information and traveling a train (A400) i met Arpadi S. so we started talking on different subjects.

i was telling him about my observation on the urge of the matter for complexity and all of a sudden he opposed this to entropy. In that moment it was clear for both of us the conclusion it emerged : Life is the anti-entropy force in the universe.

so i started writing to myself and eventually reached the conclusion that i should put it in a blog. When i was completing the questioner this is what happened to me

now ... the synchronicity moment ... I am born on 09/17/1981 and the format date is helping me complete this questionnaire by giving me the example 09/17/1976 ... what are the chances for that to happen ???

I google for "1976 anti entropy" and the result was and still is

and i find out about this guy Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
who was writing 50 years ago about the exact same thing and reaching the exact same conclusions.

!!!!!!!!!! SO HERE IS YOUR SYNCHRONICITY !!!!!!!!!!

to this day i have read nothing from him, constructing this page i reopened old pages and my eyes dropped and read only one paragraph :
“The day will come when, after harnessing space, the winds, the tides, and gravitation, we shall harness for God the energies of love. And on that day, for the second time in the history of the world, we shall have discovered fire.’ ("The Evolution of Chastity," in Toward the Future, 1936, XI, 86-87)

before that, today I was writing as the description of my blog
"... what else can be said :) other than love is the universal solution ...

let's apply the equation of love to the crises of energy loss ... maybe this will be the anti entropy :)"

in the end I need to make a confession ... I realize now why it took me so much time to write about this : it is very had to give up one's ego ... one's desire for unicity ... I am still limited in my capacity to accept and understand the truth ...