Wednesday, September 23, 2009

why am I writing

I started this blog as a dialog to myself, a diary of my own thoughts. The need was then - and still is - to keep a track of the ideas i have, the opinions I develop on different subjects, mainly off course the good old question ... ? what is the meaning of being alive ?
Off course in time my speech has changed, not talking to only to myself but to myself and others, people who will eventually read this blog. At some time i even concluded that sooner or later an AI (artificial intelligence) will at some point be born and it's information source will be for sure, in part, the internet. This AI will have the memories of the humanity through blogs and web pages, it will be as alive as any of us as we have the gift of life from our parents who brought us into this world so IT too will have the same gift from IT's human parents; or previous AI who at some point had human parents :).

But this is not enough, the egotistic me :) ... I am naturally trying to spread my ideas, to promote them in the NOW to other people ... politely or more aggressive I do not know. But allow me to be my own advocate: How else change came into this world if not through people that came with new ideals of hope for the future ??? Am I the bad guy ??? can I dare to think I am the good guy ???

In the end I choose to be just be who I am ... for myself and for all us if I am allowed to be ... the best I can be ... the positive ... the love ... the hope ...

Any crises eventually it's a crises of imagination, of lack of ideas or plans for a better future ... i describe what i believe to be an universal crises for all living entities that are and will be ... the entropy will eventually mean the death of everything ... all energy will be lost and the matter will be silenced.

AM i daring to much when i am re-proposing to all of us this challenge (I am not the fist one to emit it) ... can we be strong enough to see ourselves OUT THERE, traveling the stars in a time so distant the human mind can only begin to comprehend ???

and if so ... if we accept this challenge, can we understand that it is every generations duty to help reach this future. For after all, as long as it may seem, unfolding in the way it does now : Time is limiteD :)

Friday, September 18, 2009

Know thy history

“That who controls the present controls the past, that who controls the past controls the future” – 1984 by George Orwell

He was telling about how the BIG Brother was rewriting history in order to create whatever future he wanted. Doing it simply – destroying the old documents and creating new ones. The Party was the one who invented everything: the plane, the oil, the chemistry, all the science there was, all the evolution there was to see ; a the gift to you received from The Party. You were starting to believe The Party has always been here, the wars were made by them and won by them. The war was since forever and it would continue forever as only war justifies any actions taken by the power. The Party would become the History, and then if the Past was created by the will of the Party, the present is Controlled by The Party what other expectation can we have other than to believe that naturally The Party will last forever.

We are both our divine spark and the history that we learn, at least at the level of evolution we are now. This history is the vault that holds the gathered information and it’s shaping our destiny thru the concepts and truths that it reveals.

I say to myself:

a) Know thy past, for history cannot be other than progression accelerating on the steam of new discoveries. Without your past it will be harder to create a better future, for whatever light and beauty has already been brought to this world will be lost … off course our ways must change as we have changed and evolved, but there is so much greatness in the past that it should be stupid to consider that all should be abandoned.

b) Understand, accept and integrate the Global Culture for we are must be one in order to establish planetary balance but learn also your own culture. Learn the arts most of all, from your family, from your area, from your country. This is the piece of puzzle that you are completing to the big global culture. You are the only one that can do it, French cannot speak the best for German culture without Germans keeping their arts this will be lost they understand and they do it. But what if you are from Romania and you look up to everybody and less to your country, remember culture is different than science and social development. You can have the same technology, the same lows, the same social and economic advanced society but cannot have limited culture. The beauty of the culture stands in it’s diversity, there is no better culture from the point of view of arts it is just different. You are the only one that can bring your peoples arts to the world, nobody else can and if you don’t we all will have a poorer soul.

c) Be careful to false prophets and story tellers, although it is fun it is also dangerous. Rewriting history by making it more heroic can seem like a solution, as new generations will have a better start than the ugly truth. If we were heroes in the past it may be that we have a better chance to be heroes in the present and the future will more likely be populated with heroes. But now you are not a child anymore, you must be strong enough to be hero now not because of your past but because of your children future. If you succeed, then for real they will have a better past to build on!

There biggest danger in believing into a heroic past is that we will not learn from the mistakes that our ancestors made and there will be a bigger chance to repeat them in the future. Be strong and accept that we have not yet reached perfection, out History and our Present are the painful proofs but also our History will teach you the mistakes we made and will present you the real heroes, normal human beings striving with their own limited power to make a better world.


this event happened when i started writing this blog, I had different ideas on the subject, bits of information and traveling a train (A400) i met Arpadi S. so we started talking on different subjects.

i was telling him about my observation on the urge of the matter for complexity and all of a sudden he opposed this to entropy. In that moment it was clear for both of us the conclusion it emerged : Life is the anti-entropy force in the universe.

so i started writing to myself and eventually reached the conclusion that i should put it in a blog. When i was completing the questioner this is what happened to me

now ... the synchronicity moment ... I am born on 09/17/1981 and the format date is helping me complete this questionnaire by giving me the example 09/17/1976 ... what are the chances for that to happen ???

I google for "1976 anti entropy" and the result was and still is

and i find out about this guy Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
who was writing 50 years ago about the exact same thing and reaching the exact same conclusions.

!!!!!!!!!! SO HERE IS YOUR SYNCHRONICITY !!!!!!!!!!

to this day i have read nothing from him, constructing this page i reopened old pages and my eyes dropped and read only one paragraph :
“The day will come when, after harnessing space, the winds, the tides, and gravitation, we shall harness for God the energies of love. And on that day, for the second time in the history of the world, we shall have discovered fire.’ ("The Evolution of Chastity," in Toward the Future, 1936, XI, 86-87)

before that, today I was writing as the description of my blog
"... what else can be said :) other than love is the universal solution ...

let's apply the equation of love to the crises of energy loss ... maybe this will be the anti entropy :)"

in the end I need to make a confession ... I realize now why it took me so much time to write about this : it is very had to give up one's ego ... one's desire for unicity ... I am still limited in my capacity to accept and understand the truth ...

Sunday, August 30, 2009

love and happines

you have inside of you the endless energy of the uncreated ... even it's not hidden deep inside, if you will look for a little bit of time you are sure to find it ...
if so bring it here, tune your body to channel it here ... for it is The Endless Potential --- the Kundalini ... the spark of the creator that lights in all of us gives you the capacity to mold this endless potential into action ...
Living your life in happiness is a matter of choice, you have the power of creation, you are participant in the envelopment of the universe ... there is no living self perpetuating evil, as darkness itself does not exist it is simply the lack of light ... and there is so much light inside of you if only you choose to see it !
... choose happiness for yourself, choose love, choose strength, choose justice, choose health, choose to smell, to taste, to touch, to see, to hear, choose to act, choose to transcend, choose to bring evolution in the world, choose to feel the subtitle flow of energy in the universe, the meaning, the conection ... choose to be aware that you have every little bit of energy you'll ever need at your disposal.

choose above all to bring happiness to your life, for you are living and you are self aware that you're receiving the gift of incarnation ... all you have to do is accept and enjoy :)

Saturday, August 29, 2009

the cycle

Everything ends where it begins ...
my latest thoughts came in a discussion with my cousin (just to brag about my people :) he's a chemistry academy professor, doctorate on scholarship in France, who just came back from a 2 years contract in Japan ). The course of the polemic went about atoms and stuff, me trying secretly to confront my theory with him.
He pointed out off of the sudden, when discussing that the mass is the universe is fixed from after Big-Bang - remembering off course the speculations :) about the 10% of it we don't really know were it is - that we have no reason to exclude the theory telling: "In the beginning before the Big Bang every single proton, neutron and electron were piled up in a giant atom-like structure with everything spinning in a perfect Harmony, all together from before time"; and other, endless and countless, times before.
That we Life, everything living throw out the universe, having understood the future Harmony to come are going to find ways to bring everything closer again, to gather togher every single particle in the universe closer to the beginnings, in a new perfect and balanced way. Giant suns with thousands of planets worming up at it's glory, by then people will have learned - as once we learned how to light fire - the science to light up suns so that in their future, in our future we are able to keep the perfect suns burning as steady as a semineu.

-----endless equilibrium-----
this could be one of the good versions for the End of timE

if so for me this brings new questions --- what about repetition, given enough time no matter how many are the particles .... ehhh no matter anyways ... this should be the problem of the future man. Right now we should get to work, dream less of the times when we will light up new suns and start being more present here, in the real world and time. See more, hear more, taste more, smell more ... feel more with all 5 senses heightened and realize the joy of incarnation, for this is your time, my time, and all our times together.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Life it’s love itself

25 may 2009 Life it’s love itself
Kind of true, you could say that life is the love passed from the parents to the children, the only thing that truly and completely makes us happy. “Love is the only richness that you can give in any amount and will never make you poor, but will also make the other people rich.” I guess there is no end to love, and too much love never hurt anybody. And there are many many things you can say good about love.
But still on a more academic level, I perceived at some time that there is an energy going thru the matter, determining it to become more and more complex. I was thinking at that time that it is a king of will so strong it can create and recreate the universe, maha Manipura - we can say - stays in the center of the universe, a blue planet-like sphere made of sheer will, sending impulses out thru the galaxies. Now I realize that the way we humans are preserving this force is not as a strong will but of immense love, and this thought is blowing my mind.
We can see thru the history of our planet how this flow of energy has created life, plants and finally animals, as close to humans as they are. We relate to animals, we can see the affection they are giving to their children, but we also see how brutal they can split and how careless they can be to each other (especially the carnivores, come to think of it herbivores are quite bonded to each other in groups, especially mammals). We humans believe we have overcome non rational instinctive behavior and have evolved to identify different feelings as a more evolved way to understand ourselves in order to survive. Culture has taught us, as we were able to more easily cover our basic needs for food, that we should cherish out new found free time and invest it into knowing ourselves. It is not ordinary that the most cherished felling that we can experience is that of love.
Maybe this is the gift and the true lesson of incarnation, to feel true love and to understand love, as it is not possible for beings at our level to understand God thru rationality but to experiment his immense mental thru love. Love is the note, the exact vibration, that will put us in perfect harmony, empathic and telepathic, with the Creator thus if we understand, what can stop us to sing love each and every second our life, from all our heart, in the great choir that is our and His material Creation.

the tree of life

20 march 2009 the tree of life
As I am dreaming sometimes I had once my own personal vision of life, a tree like a rope made out of thousands, trillions :) of smaller rope-like trees. I see no beginning and no end, my tree is the body continuous in development with no roots and no leafs. I say a tree but I see actually a column, made out of thousands of snakes-like bodies each of them with no beginning and no end. I recognize these rope-like as being souls on different level of conscience, mixing experiences at what in a point of this column would be called a moment in time and reality.
The Asian traditions say that every soul has passed different states of conciseness from the little bacteria, to fish, to mammals to human and back to animals if in your human life you involved instead of evolving.
In this column there is me, a moment in time in my forever soul life. But now I understand that I am WE, for I am the sum of my experiences alone, with God and with my fellow humans. I can not be an individual outside the tree of life, and then I realize and WE are not just us humans but WE are life on Earth, for we can not be outside. I feel I understand the plasma-like river of life transforming it’s shape from unconscious being to self aware humans as WE – life - represent the anti-principle of entropy. Humans, being the most complex form that LIFE took shape yet.
I pity my fellow humans for not feeling the greater conscience of WE, of LIFE. I am glad about globalization :), it is the first step of WE --- WE humanity are ONE ---. I can bet that this conscience will became clear to everybody in the years to come. I can only hope that in my life time WE HUMANITY will realize that we are part of LIFE on EARTH, an even bigger conscience. And who knows may WE LIFE on EARTH are part of an even greater conscience – LIFE IN THE UNIVERSE … at he end of this road the greatest realm of conscience I dream for WE HUMANS is that WE are part of LIFE IN THE HYPERDIMENTIONAL MULTIVERSE, the force that forever has been and is able to create universes. Some Asian tradition also say that we humans are in part what GOD is in whole :)

The anti-principle of entropy: LIFE

19 march 2009 The anti-principle of entropy: LIFE
Can this be the purpose of life, can it be so simple. From the beginning I am stating that this also shows the beauty in the work of GOD, the equilibrium of the universe always in balance.
For me it makes perfect sense, is it not life the perfect expression of the complexity of matter and it’s secret wish to maintain it’s complexity for as long as possible? As any living organism instinctively tries maintain it’s own existence as long as possible and, as forever life is not possible, to live forever in the genes of it’s children, and it’s children’s children, and it’s children’s children.
For millions of years we can say that this complexity, witch is life, has been maintained by gathering energy from one source - the sun - but already humans have developed other ways of producing energy: different chemical reactions that produce heat (burning oil), nuclear physics (splitting atoms), gravity (tide power plants). Different sources of energy that not necessary depend on the sun and can make life possible without it, although for the moment without the sun life would be extinct in a short period of time.
I feel that WE LIFE represents the counter balance of the entropy process, the foreseen extinction of the universe. As our technology and conscience will progress I am sure that eventually we will be able to pass the 99,(999)% percent ratio of transmitting energy in the universe and create a process that will produce more than it will consume witch basically means unlimited energy. When that happens WE will take the mission to repair and revive the universe :) .
But let’s come back where we started: the equilibrium of the universe is always in perfect balance, LIFE is the anti-principle of entropy – a must in the material universe that proves it’s always duality.

a little bit about the crisses

12 February 2009 A little bit on the crises
Let’s discus a little bit on the crises – overproductions – must keep balance - products are left to get older and expire – competition on financial bases is going down – the ones who have the real reserves survive – the products are becoming old after a while and there is a real need for new products – all of the sudden credits relax and money are appearing on the market.
Time – 3-4 years – as populations became smarter and products in use are very good and will not really need replacement for a longer period of time.

We can be more ever peoplE

28 January 2009 We can be more ever peoplE
This crises is the test of our generation, can we finally have a conscience of ONE. Can we be more that ever people rather than individuals struggling in the endles fight for surviving.
I believe in wE !

the universe's desire for complexity

2008 11 01
The Father is an old universe, we could call it also mother but it is only one principle not two. The old universe germinating a new one, better, as a result of his own process of reaching maturity. The new universe begins with the legendary Big Bang and starts to unfold. As it unfolds and extends IT is also staring to develop by combining IT’s simple elements, as the time passes we see an tremendous desire for complexity.
A) atoms (funny thing to notice, first letter – A – ATOM) – the simple ones, first Hydrogen – one proton + one electron
B) bigger atoms … Carbon, Iron, even Uranium (already too big to be stable) – here the limits are reached – the known Mendeleev table finished with Roentgenium. It is a synthetic element whose most stable known isotope has a mass of 283 amu and an estimated half-life of ten minutes. In theory the could be more element anyway there is a limit. The light-speed limit on electrons orbiting in ever-bigger electron shells theoretically limits neutral atoms to a Z of approximately 173. However, it is likely that the periodic table actually ends much earlier due to drip instabilities.
C) first inorganic molecules – simple combinations of atoms
D) organic molecules – huge chains of atoms
E) first organism – simple, small, combination of organic molecules
F) plants and then animals --- in the desire for complexity getting bigger and bigger. Maybe Jurassic era, times of huge animals and plants. The limit is reached here, new direction is needed.
G) Smaller more adaptable creatures, more complex in terms of internal possibility to change, capable of living in worse and different environments.
H) Homo Sapien Sapien --- a new revolution, a creature capable not to adapt to the environment but to adapt the environment to it’s need. If it’s cold it can make it worm (fire), if it’s hot it can make it cold (refrigeration), able to live under water (submarines and scuba diving) and high in the skies (airplanes). Going so far away from Earth than no other creature could, SPACE the final frontier :).
I) What could be the next step? I can not say for sure, for I do not have a sure answer about this. I have a feeling about the final purpose but this I will tell later. One thing man did for sure is taking complexity to higher than ever before level, nowadays we are able to obtain objects that never existed. First we created tools by combining materials that were already created in this universe, then we showed truly the power we were entrusted by creating materials that never existed before: plastic materials are just one of them but he most common. Environmental fighters tell us about the danger of plastic materials and they are right, to “Nature” these products are real aliens for it does not know to break them and reuse them, at least not yet. My speculation about the next step: Computers … then interlinked computers … then the world wide network … then a world wide computer based artificial intelligence. Think about each computer in the world being a neural cell in huge brain and the internet being the synapses between these cells. Not very science fiction actually :) it is already a common idea, NASA is using it to analyze space signals. BUT I like to think that man will always be part of GOD’s plan, even if in the state we are now we can not be part of the final stage :)

My purpose today is to share my feeling about how is this desire for complexity manifesting itself in our universe. I hope I will make sense
The HAND and VOICE of God, for GOD is not from our universe but the creator. Is his whole being right now in this universe? I can not say, probably not, a part of him for sure is; this part manifesting itself in a subtle way, it is a wave and a vibration.
It is a wave when it moves things and drives them in a direction, then it is the HAND of GOD.
It is a vibration when you hear it, then it is the VOICE of GOD … I think that if you listen real carefully, in a trance like state you can hear it speaking of love and the development of the universe.
WHAT I really want to transmit today: it is that my string feeling that you can hear it also in a moving state, and this is the amazing thing. You can hear it best when you are doing the right thing, or maybe you are doing the right thing only when you can hear it :) . In those precious moments all things make sense, and you have the incredible combined feeling of Right, as you are one with the wave of the universe, and Love, as you can sense the vibration of GOD.
… my feeling is this universe is a womb in witch grows the child of GOD and will continue to develop until a GOD like creature will be born, GOD is whispering to the universe and he eagerly wished his child to answer him back :) . About this I have a feeling so strong I can almost say I know that at least one GOD LIKE creature this universe will bear.

… or maybe there are more GODS seeding Childs in this universe, or maybe there is only one GOD and not one but may GOD LIKE creatures will be born … maybe some have already been born and others will be … this I can not say … what I can speak the truth about is that I am not one of them but sometimes in a state of movement I can hear the whisper of GOD and my soul pounds in a very specials way when that happens :)
I wish you love!

…. The incredible universe … all that you have read in the article before was written one Saturday morning, in the same day – yesterday for me – I went in the evening to a conference that I had no plans to go to and had no idea what will be discussed there. The conference was about angels, towards the end the lady started to speak about the Angel of Intuition “When many paths open before you and all seem like a right start, if you are in touch with HIM then you will have a tremendous feeling of what you should do, what is the right path for. The Angel of Intuition sometimes gives scientist answer to their question in their dreams; it is a well known fact that Mendeleev dreamt his famous table”. Now how funny is that? For the first time in months I was writing, in the very same day, it was maybe the first time in a year, and I was mentioning information about Mendeleev. And off course my two subjects I was linking in the morning were Mendeleev and that perfect moment when you are in movement, when you are faced with decisions and you have the perfect feeling that you are right, you are on the same vibration with the universe, you are ridding the wave of GOD’s will.
Once again … funny thing, no? … Just thinking about that again blows my mind because the night did not end there with the lady’s speech about the Angel of Intuition… I was going out of the conference with my wife and by the exit there were pretty young ladies dressed in angels inviting everybody to pick a message from the angels, small notes on a folded paper piece. My wife received a message about second chances, can you guess what was written on mine? … and so I say the incredible universe : “SINCRONICITY” --- of all the notes in the world mine was telling “There is no chance in our incredible universe. Coincidences and synchronicity are orchestrated with care by our guiding angels – this is how you can recognize the Hand of GOD. Be glad when you see them because they are the angel’s messages that you are on the right path. Wait for them and look for them. Be conscience that there is divine motivation behind them and try to look for the message inside or the lesson they carry. Synchronicity reminds us that all things happen when GOD wants. ALL THINGS HAPPEN BY THE WILL OF GOD.”
… funny no? I personally am a believer that man was given free will and free possibility of choosing right and wrong, but I do believe that GOD is whispering to us, that he is everywhere and sometimes when you are synchronizing with HIS WILL you have the tremendous feeling that you are walking HIS PATH.


2008 06 06
The crisis of the modern society derives from it’s good wealth, we have more and more kids growing up with the clear perspective that they do not have to do (work) in their entire life because they will always have at least something to eat and clothes to put on.
In plus compared to centuries before they are not royalty, they are nothing special, they can not live their lives doing nothing and feeling good about themselves on the excuse that they have a special destiny, that they are noble among man.
So, how can we do it? How can we mature people teach our kids to take purpose and responsibilities, without lying to them that if they do not work they will die out of hunger when they know for a fact that they will not. For sure the way is not to put pressure on them that they have to be someone in this society, I am sure that they will care less as they have access now to a lot of information and they can see that just this having money and fame does not bring necessary happiness … so what ?
Someone once said that the twenty first century will be a religious era or it will not be at all, I am starting to fear he was right. But to say that we must be religious and have an objective in this … this is the worst and mot offending idea.
My guess is that in the end what I should do is give my best to be good to other people and to myself, to love God, to be active in society witch is important to me and to hope I can encourage others to believe in their own potential to share happiness.

… I have a special suggestion … the postmodernism which is the new culture states that everything is relative and that there is no truth only options that were arbitrary agreed as truths. And of course that can be true when we discus art and social studies, but to make it universal??? Were is the common sense here, people have you forgotten mathematics … exact sciences? One plus one is always two and there is no possibility of being any other answer, it is a truth, an axiom. And if we come to the agreement that there are unquestionable truths in this universe then maybe we will have more hope in believing that our life can have a reason and sense.
I propose better education on mathematics and exact sciences in the early school, it gives you a better grip on reality in later years :)

about modern democracy

2008 06 06

About modern Democracy
One simple idea that crossed my mind is that from the point of view of equality and good relation between humans we are not inventing something but reintroducing ideas that were obvious to us when we were organized in smaller communities. The tribal organization was the human environment for thousands of years and it was perfect concerning peoples rights and purpose, everything was clear, there were no questions unanswered and everybody was potentially able to take any responsibility.
As we developed in numbers, because of non perfect channels of communication individuals took the opportunity in order to take advantage of other people, some even declared themselves as goods and in any way did their best in making others think less of themselves and look up to him as solutions to their problems. And off course the Machiavelli saying: split in order to conquer.
I have the feeling that right now with the new means of communication we are able to come back to our good sense that we developed in thousands of years living as tribes, and in my personal history our good sense is best cached by the opening of the Declaration of Independence written by Thomas Jefferson in 1776:
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.”

After the reading Memnoh the Devil, by Anne Rice

25 04 2008
It’s not that people do not think that God exists, they know, they all know. It’s the fact that they are angry on Him for letting all the pain in the world exist, knowingly that He could stop it all. Nowadays people hate God, and they can afford now knowingly to admit it because they have clear knowledge of the past, and no recorded history tells us that if you wave your fist to God and openly curse Him anything bad is going to happen to us. The all known rage of GOD has not been seen in our days.
Or maybe it is, and there are people telling us He is punishing the world, and even if we would recognize that as being the truth in that single moment we have the amazing ability to totally forget our awareness of Him and choose to blind ourselves from his existence. Or maybe all in the end all the disasters outside and inside our bodies are not His doing, are not his rage but is just nature and consequences.
And then again, what do we know of Him, what is He actually, what is GOD? Is he even aware we exist, feel and remember pain? Does He even perceive Time as we do, or has the concept of pain? Is He even aware of Himself? I think at least about the last one we can be sure, for if He does not acknowledge His own existence He can not be GOD.
After the reading Memnoh the Devil, by Anne Rice

what is our part in our life

04 04 2008

Everything I have it was given to me, for I was not born an empty vessel but full of abilities. Is God who gave me my gifts to use on this earth, and only under his continuous blessing have I been able to master them! For we are not alone in our struggle to succeed as humans!
~~~ Whatever is success and succeeding, it brings us happiness at a level that can not be questioned. Without sinning in my mind, I feel I have to ask the questions:”what is our aport in the realization of our destiny?”, as without doubt from birth we are given the potential of our abilities and with the force of God (weather we accept it or not, weather we realize it or not) we are proceeding in developing some of them. For I am sure we have many and we have the cotangential to develop them all. Why on the other hand we do not have them all? This could be natural as only God is absolute and it is not for humans to have the potential to develop all gifts in the same time, nor do I think is possible to develop in the same time in all directions, nor do I think we would have time in life period to do it (could this be a motivation for reincarnation).
And if God is allowing me to think it I will say it, we are given more potential on some gifts than others, god is supporting us on every step when, not if, we choose to walk one path or the other. And any path we choose, by only reaching inside ourselves for the gifts we have, it always goes to ones fulfillment and inevitable happiness. And no matter the path we choose it is always characterized by our will to do better, to do good for a greater good than to ourselves and the feeling that we were lucky; weather we admit or not that this “fortuna” was the support of GOD.
And if so, what is our part in our life if God is giving everything and is supporting us on every step, I hope the answer is simple : our choice; for I believe it is in our choice to do it or not, to choose from the paths opened before us the one we want to walk; and if we are not inspired about the paths that are opened before us, we simply have to choose we want to do better and who knows maybe we were already on the right path but we just didn’t yet have the courage to truly wish good for the others and for ourselves.

social systems

01 02 2007

Revolution of the people, revolution of the many overfilled by injustice and abuse! But in the centuries that pasted what else could they do, in the lack of leadership there can be only chaos … the bigger the population the more dangerous the chaos that can come … and many they were and growing by year.
Democracy, illusion of equilibrium, but is it that bad?

The system, can it be different? Can any other be better?
Society ruled by descendents, monarchy was a failure!
Society ruled by religion, inevitably turns into monarchy as ruler is chosen for life … the Christians learned good their lesson and now the pope has to be already an old man when he is elected, just to make sure he doesn’t get enouth time to be too corrupt. But he biggest problem about this system is the urge to impose belief on all people living in an area; and no matter how pacifist and human respectful the religion is the most horribly things are done in the name of the true God.
Socialism, what a wonderful idea, but humankind was not ready by far for thins kind of step. It finished in totalitarism, and overpowered governments who do not have to ask questions - to this we add a special repercussion to having all goods in common, everybody stole as much as they could as there was no one to protect his hard worked property. In the end evrything belonged to the state and the state was not representing the people anymore but a political oligarhy.

And the revolution continues, MODERN DEMOCRACY, countries conquering countries in the name of true freedom and human rights. True civilization, may I call it: the human rights, imposed by arms and lead by true visionaries rising in the name of good ~~~ Could this be what we are doing?
I have a feeling almost organic about the expansion of modern democracy, as I perceive it as a system that is making the individuals strong and aware of their good wealth. I think endless serenity and neutrality can not be characteristic of human kind, even if we are in state of good and wish better when we see pain we feel the need to intervene. And if we have the power and knowledge to make better societies we lack only the courage to do it.
I think only a fool or a self eluded man can not see that the western ways, the ways of Europe and North America, are bringing health and happiness to their people, to an extent of course as they are in their own development. I am in a country that is rising from communism, I am the witness that we benefit now from things that we could not even imagine years before and this is thanks to people outside our country, people that are given us now financial support, know-how and are teaching us the new ways even when we are stubborn to change. These people, not long ago, helped us in doing our revolution and even if it meant bloodshed, now that I see the results I thank them!
And there are still many countries that need to free themselves, unfortunately in many cases this can only be donne with outside help and bloodshed ... it is the truth ... the ugly truth ... but we that now live in peace can not be ignorant to the pain of other ... there are still there people who die out of hunger, when have you not had anything to eat for one day at least?


Starting a useless chat to myself that will probably take years and years from now … a journal … thoughts about it :) maybe I’ll put it on the internet … of course that’s why I put it in English.

Why put it on the internet … because I want people to read it … why would I want people to read it? Fear of being forgotten … of living a life that does not count … I write in hope that my life will be a value to you … an inheritance to the future. Maybe I think that I ... as they say … don’t think that is a good idea to reinvent the weel over and over again … still we don’t take the time to listen in order to learn from other people experience in order to evolve faster. But Evolve to WERE???

In this moment I really hope that at some point I will reach the final conclusion … I have been reaching so many conclusions about the truth I almost getting tired of doing it anymore … finally I, at some moment in the future, will stop … I can only hope it will be the real one 

I wish you good … it be wonderful to be so :) for all f us :)