Wednesday, May 27, 2009

the tree of life

20 march 2009 the tree of life
As I am dreaming sometimes I had once my own personal vision of life, a tree like a rope made out of thousands, trillions :) of smaller rope-like trees. I see no beginning and no end, my tree is the body continuous in development with no roots and no leafs. I say a tree but I see actually a column, made out of thousands of snakes-like bodies each of them with no beginning and no end. I recognize these rope-like as being souls on different level of conscience, mixing experiences at what in a point of this column would be called a moment in time and reality.
The Asian traditions say that every soul has passed different states of conciseness from the little bacteria, to fish, to mammals to human and back to animals if in your human life you involved instead of evolving.
In this column there is me, a moment in time in my forever soul life. But now I understand that I am WE, for I am the sum of my experiences alone, with God and with my fellow humans. I can not be an individual outside the tree of life, and then I realize and WE are not just us humans but WE are life on Earth, for we can not be outside. I feel I understand the plasma-like river of life transforming it’s shape from unconscious being to self aware humans as WE – life - represent the anti-principle of entropy. Humans, being the most complex form that LIFE took shape yet.
I pity my fellow humans for not feeling the greater conscience of WE, of LIFE. I am glad about globalization :), it is the first step of WE --- WE humanity are ONE ---. I can bet that this conscience will became clear to everybody in the years to come. I can only hope that in my life time WE HUMANITY will realize that we are part of LIFE on EARTH, an even bigger conscience. And who knows may WE LIFE on EARTH are part of an even greater conscience – LIFE IN THE UNIVERSE … at he end of this road the greatest realm of conscience I dream for WE HUMANS is that WE are part of LIFE IN THE HYPERDIMENTIONAL MULTIVERSE, the force that forever has been and is able to create universes. Some Asian tradition also say that we humans are in part what GOD is in whole :)

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