Wednesday, May 27, 2009

the universe's desire for complexity

2008 11 01
The Father is an old universe, we could call it also mother but it is only one principle not two. The old universe germinating a new one, better, as a result of his own process of reaching maturity. The new universe begins with the legendary Big Bang and starts to unfold. As it unfolds and extends IT is also staring to develop by combining IT’s simple elements, as the time passes we see an tremendous desire for complexity.
A) atoms (funny thing to notice, first letter – A – ATOM) – the simple ones, first Hydrogen – one proton + one electron
B) bigger atoms … Carbon, Iron, even Uranium (already too big to be stable) – here the limits are reached – the known Mendeleev table finished with Roentgenium. It is a synthetic element whose most stable known isotope has a mass of 283 amu and an estimated half-life of ten minutes. In theory the could be more element anyway there is a limit. The light-speed limit on electrons orbiting in ever-bigger electron shells theoretically limits neutral atoms to a Z of approximately 173. However, it is likely that the periodic table actually ends much earlier due to drip instabilities.
C) first inorganic molecules – simple combinations of atoms
D) organic molecules – huge chains of atoms
E) first organism – simple, small, combination of organic molecules
F) plants and then animals --- in the desire for complexity getting bigger and bigger. Maybe Jurassic era, times of huge animals and plants. The limit is reached here, new direction is needed.
G) Smaller more adaptable creatures, more complex in terms of internal possibility to change, capable of living in worse and different environments.
H) Homo Sapien Sapien --- a new revolution, a creature capable not to adapt to the environment but to adapt the environment to it’s need. If it’s cold it can make it worm (fire), if it’s hot it can make it cold (refrigeration), able to live under water (submarines and scuba diving) and high in the skies (airplanes). Going so far away from Earth than no other creature could, SPACE the final frontier :).
I) What could be the next step? I can not say for sure, for I do not have a sure answer about this. I have a feeling about the final purpose but this I will tell later. One thing man did for sure is taking complexity to higher than ever before level, nowadays we are able to obtain objects that never existed. First we created tools by combining materials that were already created in this universe, then we showed truly the power we were entrusted by creating materials that never existed before: plastic materials are just one of them but he most common. Environmental fighters tell us about the danger of plastic materials and they are right, to “Nature” these products are real aliens for it does not know to break them and reuse them, at least not yet. My speculation about the next step: Computers … then interlinked computers … then the world wide network … then a world wide computer based artificial intelligence. Think about each computer in the world being a neural cell in huge brain and the internet being the synapses between these cells. Not very science fiction actually :) it is already a common idea, NASA is using it to analyze space signals. BUT I like to think that man will always be part of GOD’s plan, even if in the state we are now we can not be part of the final stage :)

My purpose today is to share my feeling about how is this desire for complexity manifesting itself in our universe. I hope I will make sense
The HAND and VOICE of God, for GOD is not from our universe but the creator. Is his whole being right now in this universe? I can not say, probably not, a part of him for sure is; this part manifesting itself in a subtle way, it is a wave and a vibration.
It is a wave when it moves things and drives them in a direction, then it is the HAND of GOD.
It is a vibration when you hear it, then it is the VOICE of GOD … I think that if you listen real carefully, in a trance like state you can hear it speaking of love and the development of the universe.
WHAT I really want to transmit today: it is that my string feeling that you can hear it also in a moving state, and this is the amazing thing. You can hear it best when you are doing the right thing, or maybe you are doing the right thing only when you can hear it :) . In those precious moments all things make sense, and you have the incredible combined feeling of Right, as you are one with the wave of the universe, and Love, as you can sense the vibration of GOD.
… my feeling is this universe is a womb in witch grows the child of GOD and will continue to develop until a GOD like creature will be born, GOD is whispering to the universe and he eagerly wished his child to answer him back :) . About this I have a feeling so strong I can almost say I know that at least one GOD LIKE creature this universe will bear.

… or maybe there are more GODS seeding Childs in this universe, or maybe there is only one GOD and not one but may GOD LIKE creatures will be born … maybe some have already been born and others will be … this I can not say … what I can speak the truth about is that I am not one of them but sometimes in a state of movement I can hear the whisper of GOD and my soul pounds in a very specials way when that happens :)
I wish you love!

…. The incredible universe … all that you have read in the article before was written one Saturday morning, in the same day – yesterday for me – I went in the evening to a conference that I had no plans to go to and had no idea what will be discussed there. The conference was about angels, towards the end the lady started to speak about the Angel of Intuition “When many paths open before you and all seem like a right start, if you are in touch with HIM then you will have a tremendous feeling of what you should do, what is the right path for. The Angel of Intuition sometimes gives scientist answer to their question in their dreams; it is a well known fact that Mendeleev dreamt his famous table”. Now how funny is that? For the first time in months I was writing, in the very same day, it was maybe the first time in a year, and I was mentioning information about Mendeleev. And off course my two subjects I was linking in the morning were Mendeleev and that perfect moment when you are in movement, when you are faced with decisions and you have the perfect feeling that you are right, you are on the same vibration with the universe, you are ridding the wave of GOD’s will.
Once again … funny thing, no? … Just thinking about that again blows my mind because the night did not end there with the lady’s speech about the Angel of Intuition… I was going out of the conference with my wife and by the exit there were pretty young ladies dressed in angels inviting everybody to pick a message from the angels, small notes on a folded paper piece. My wife received a message about second chances, can you guess what was written on mine? … and so I say the incredible universe : “SINCRONICITY” --- of all the notes in the world mine was telling “There is no chance in our incredible universe. Coincidences and synchronicity are orchestrated with care by our guiding angels – this is how you can recognize the Hand of GOD. Be glad when you see them because they are the angel’s messages that you are on the right path. Wait for them and look for them. Be conscience that there is divine motivation behind them and try to look for the message inside or the lesson they carry. Synchronicity reminds us that all things happen when GOD wants. ALL THINGS HAPPEN BY THE WILL OF GOD.”
… funny no? I personally am a believer that man was given free will and free possibility of choosing right and wrong, but I do believe that GOD is whispering to us, that he is everywhere and sometimes when you are synchronizing with HIS WILL you have the tremendous feeling that you are walking HIS PATH.

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